- Cobb County International Airport
- Hits: 38720
Advertising Information
Rotating Banner advertising is offered on each page as well as the homepage. Each banner with be limited to 5 advertisers. A rotation will be used for each ad so that every time the page is visited or refreshed a new ad will be displayed.
Only one banner can occupy the bottom of each page. Therefore, space is limited. The following fees apply to rotating banner ads only:
Main Page Banners
Company Logo Advertising
We are offering Logo advertising on all pages except the homepage. Provides perfect opportunity to target your area of operation. This is the ideal space to advertise FBO's and other airport related companies, clubs, organizations and services. We will place your Company Logo on the page or pages of your choice, linking to your web page.
The following fees apply to Logo ads only:
$15.00/month per page
$150.00/year per page
Advertising Insertion Agreement
By ordering a Banner or Logo advertisement with McCollum Airport the buyer agrees to the following terms:
- All Banner and Logo graphics are subject to approval by McCollumairport.com prior to submission.
- McCollumairport.com reserves the right to reject or modify (with customer contact) graphics for best page fit or graphics deemed inappropriate.
- McCollumairport.com does not guarantee clicks, referrals or sales to your web site.
- Ad rates are determined by placement location. McCollumairport.com reserves the right to change rates without notice.
- All ads are placed when payment has been received.
Simple text links to Company, Club or Organization is $10/month.